Miriam’s Story
Miriam worked full time at a local bank and lived with her boyfriend, Joey. When she became pregnant, the sporadic abuses she had experienced from Joey became far more frequent and violent.
Miriam was the primary lease holder on their rental home. However, unbeknownst to Miriam, Joey was gambling with the rent money and had fallen behind on the payments, hiding the past-due notices from her.
Eventually the landlord called Miriam at work and told her she was being evicted and why. She hurried home only to discover that Joey had abandoned her and taken what little money they held jointly. Not knowing what to do or who to turn to, she called Friendship Home.
Miriam was in Friendship Home’s Emergency Shelter and Transitional Housing programs for almost 10 months. She is still employed by the bank, and now has a rambunctious little boy, Toby, and shares an apartment with her sister.
She is grateful to Friendship Home for providing the help she needed and giving her son a great start in life and helping to rebuild hers.