
For over 45 years Friendship Home—with your support—has been saving lives. In fact, your support has touched thousands of survivors, helping the survivors and their children rebuild their lives free from abuse.

While we dream of a day when our services are no longer needed, we count it a privilege to still be here providing safe futures for adults and children. These statistics from the past year, show how you have helped us make a great impact.

  • Over 1,800 survivors of domestic violence were provided with supportive services and/or shelter when they fled from their abusive partner.
  • 49,434 safe bed nights were provided for survivors of domestic violence.
  • 43,311 meals were served to those receiving emergency shelter.
  • We sheltered 442 survivors throughout the year. Of those sheltered 258 were children.
  • Friendship Home maintained 61 facilities where we provided vital services and resources for survivors we served (1 communal shelter, 12 single family shelter apartments, 16 transitional apartments, 38 Housing First and Rapid Rehousing apartments and a service center)