Together we can help survivors gain insight into their trauma and guide them to use their strengths to rebuild their lives.
Financial Gifts
Your financial gifts ensure that Friendship Home can continue to offer safety and support as survivors in our community escape domestic violence and build new, secure lives.
Safe Shelter Collaborative
Friendship Home is partnering with Safe Shelter Collaborative to utilize an app called SafeNight. By partnering with SafeNight, we can ensure that even if our shelters are full, survivors can have a safe night of shelter through a hotel stay.
Learn more about SafeNight and how you can support survivors and their children in a creative and unique way.
Join our Monthly Giving Program
We invite you to join our team through our Monthly Giving Program! By committing to monthly gifts you can make a difference in the lives of survivors of domestic violence, because safety can’t wait.
Make a One Time Donation Online
Easily make a donation and an impact immediately and securely online.
Donate by Phone.
To make a financial donation by phone, call Stephanie at 402-434-0168 or Angie at 402-436-2156
Donate by Mail.
Please send your gift to:
Friendship Home
Attn: Donations
PO Box 85358
Lincoln, NE 68501-5358
Honor or Memorial Gifts
You can make a donation in honor or memory of a family member, friend or group. We send an email notifying them of your thoughtful donation, but not revealing the amount. In addition, you will receive an acknowledgement for your donation.
Corporate Matching Gifts
Many companies offer a matching gifts program. Some companies provide a financial match based on your volunteer hours. It’s an easy way to double your gift to Friendship Home. Talk to your Human Resources representative to see if your company does.
Planned Giving & Estate Gifts
Friendship Home helps survivors of domestic violence find physical and emotional safety.
By remembering Friendship Home in your will or estate plan, you can help us empower women and children to live their lives free from violence.
Together we can continue to offer possibilities to help change lives when things are at their worst. There are several approaches to planned giving:
Living Trust or Will
Making a gift through your will or living trust is one of the easiest ways to give into the future. With your legal advisor’s assistance, you can include language designating your favorite charity or charities as part of your estate plan. Even a small percentage can have a big impact.
Donor Advised Funds
One of the fastest growing, easiest and most tax-advantageous ways to give to a charity is through Donor Advised Funds. They allow you to make a charitable contribution, receive an immediate tax deduction, and direct grants from the fund to your favorite charity whenever you choose. And you can contribute to the funds as frequently as you like.
Gifts from an IRA
A simple, cost-effective way to support a charity and receive tax benefits is to use an IRA Charitable Rollover (Qualified Charitable Distribution). If you are 70 ½ years or older, every year you can ask your IRA administrator to transfer up to $100,000 directly to a nonprofit of your choice. Because your gift goes directly to a qualified charity, the IRA distribution is excluded from your adjusted gross income for tax purpose.
Gifts of Appreciated Securities
You may be able to maximize your gift and your income tax deduction by donating long-term appreciated securities, including stocks, bonds and mutual funds, directly to a charity. By donating appreciated securities directly to the charity, you avoid recognition of capital gains and eliminate any income tax resulting from their sale of the stock.
Beneficiary Designations
Most retirement plans, annuities, and life insurance policies let you decide in advance how your assets will be distributed after your death. They do this by asking you to designate beneficiaries, such as your favorite charity, on a beneficiary designation form.
Please consult with your financial/legal advisor for help in deciding the best approach to achieve your goals.
Although it is not necessary to inform us of your intentions, we would like the opportunity to thank you and keep you informed of our work.
For more information about including Friendship Home in your planned giving or estate plans, contact Angie by email or call her at 402-436-2156.
In-Kind Donations
Helping survivors who left their homes with only the clothes on their backs due to domestic violence means they need a lot of things to rebuild their lives.
Your in-kind donations don’t just meet the needs of survivors who are starting over. They are also a physical reminder that there are people out there who believe in and care about them.
Together we can surround them with things that represent hope they can feel.
New Items
We strive to serve our families with the dignity they deserve. We kindly request donations of only new and unused/unopened items. We are always happy to accept cash donations which go directly to support the needs of the women, and their children, in shelter.
Amazon Wishlist
You can give in many ways, like purchasing an item from our Amazon Wishlist!
Download the printable Current Needs List
New items from this list, please call 402-437-9301 to schedule a drop-off. At this time, we are unable to accept unscheduled drop-offs.
Host A Drive
If you would like to coordinate a drive for new items and/or supplies, please call the donation line at 402-437-9301.
Donate Gift Cards
Gift cards to retail supply stores, bus passes, gas vouchers, etc. can be mailed to:
Friendship Home
PO Box 85358
Lincoln, NE 68501